The videos above are examples of what is acceptable in the music world today. Music today has grown into quite a provocative industry. Many artists use explicit language and their videos contain images that are not suitable for children to observe. Music videos can be seen on television by anyone with a television set; therefore, children are able to view these images. Personally, I have to admit I enjoy today's music. I enjoy singing the songs, but occasionally I find some videos a little disturbing with the sexual content. This music can promote foul language among young people, especially children. The images can show children sexual behavior, violence, and drug use are acceptable, which can lead to earlier expressions of physical relationships or even violence with young people. Soon America may see a drastic increase in early pregnancies among teenagers, especially early teens. America may also find that children are more troublesome in school with the language they use and the behaviors they exemplify. Even though the music may provide catchy tunes and emotional lyrics, the music industry should consider the fact that this music can be obtained by young people. This music could corrupt the minds of the younger people before they really know and understand what the music is truly describing. I hope parents will find ways to keep the explicit content from their children if the music industry continues distributing the provocative music that is within reach of children.