Dracula is an original vampire novel that describes the primordial qualities placed with the mythical vampires. They were seen as dangerous, seductive, blood-thirsty, and pale. These creatures were very dangerous. Other books published more recently, such as a series titled The House of Night or a series made into a show titled The Vampire Diaries. These series sows different takes on vampires, although, The Vampire Diaries displays vampires in a similar way as in Dracula. The House of Night series has vampires the burn in the sun as in Dracula, but there is also another type of vampire described that shows each vampire has a special gift, but they can live off of food and blood. The process of becoming a vampire is also different than in the other books. They are chosen by a goddess and go through a school for vampires.The show Buffy the Vampire Slayer displayed vampires as the gruesome blood-suckers
Along with the different views of vampires comes different views of werewolves. Movies have been released about werewolves being extremely dangerous and violent. The movie soon to be released titled Red Riding Hood involves a blood-hungry werewolf reeking havoc on a village. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Professor Lupin is a werewolf. Even though he is nice as a person, when he transforms, he cannot control himself. This shows that the mythical creatures known as werewolves can be just as dangerous, if not more, than the mythical vampires.
My question for you now is, if you were to become a vampire or a werewolf, which would you be? What qualities would you possess as this mythical creature? What do you think about the various forms of these creatures described in different works of literature, films, or television shows? Which creature is better in your opinion and why?
I think I would go for the tortured existence of a werewolf. No one sees them as essentially evil, just out of control, maybe more in "touch" with their animal subconscious. I mean, it isn't my fault if I kill someone out of my innate instinct, is it? Vampires suck the life out of people and enjoy it, unless they are Edward Cullen and then they are just poor imitations of the "mad, bad and dangerous to know" guy. We ought to watch Nosferatu someday. That would put the whole Angel/Edward romantic version of vampires to rest. Plus, don't you think of werewolves as kind of cuddly after Twilight?
ReplyDeleteI would rather be a werewolf because the thought of sucking blood kind of freaks me out. In most movies with vampires or werewolfs I generally want the vampires to die and the werewolfs to whoop some serious butt. I don't exactly know how I would deal with being a fabled monster, but if I had to choose I would go jacob all the way.
ReplyDeleteI like both vampires and werewolves but if I had to choose, I would be a werewolf because then I wouldn't have to worry about being cold because my fur would keep me nice and warm. I don't like the sight of blood so I would not make a very good vampire. In books, movies and tv shows I have no preference for vampires or werewolves. I think they are both fasinating creatures.
ReplyDeleteI never would have pegged Mark as a Team Jacob kind of guy. You never know a person until you find out what s/he thinks about Twilight.....what does Manda think about vampire vs Werewolf?
ReplyDeleteI think I would like to be a vampire. They live forever and see so many changes happening in the world. I wouldn't have to kill humans, but maybe get a supply of blood from slaughtered pigs or cows. Vampires have super human strength, can fly and who knows what else. Sounds good to me.
ReplyDeleteI hate the cold and I love the sun so werewolf I would have to be. I would be like the ones in twilight though and do it for protection not for destruction. Added bonus would be my internal temperature being warmer meaning I would not feel the cold which would be great for me.